Last August, when I had lunch with Miracle Creek author Angie Kim (see Aug. 26, 2019 blog entry), she gave me lots of great advice, but perhaps the most helpful was to join the private Facebook group for 2020 debut authors.

Initially, I was more of a lurker than a participant, giving the occasional thumbs up to someone posting about a cover reveal or seeking an opinion on an author photo. As my friends and family know, I’ve always been the careful one, standing on the sidelines until I’m sure I understand all the rules before I jump into the game. (And I never actually jump into the game…more like tiptoe in reluctantly and pray the ball doesn’t come my way.)

In the past seven months, though, the 2020 Debuts Facebook group has become my virtual friend group. We cheer one another during the good times, which have been many. I’ve watched my fellow debutantes get nominated for the PEN/Faulkner Award, named to the NY Times and Washington Post “Best of” lists, and reviewed enthusiastically on NPR. They’ve also had successful book launch events, been featured on TV and radio, and received “starred reviews” on Kirkus and Publishers Weekly.

But more importantly, we support one another during the bad times — the one-star ratings on Goodreads; the last-minute changes to the book’s title or cover or release date; the sheer terror of knowing the book you’ve nurtured for years will be released to an uncaring world tomorrow; the bone-tired feeling of juggling day job, writing, book promotion, and sick babies.

This week, I had the great pleasure of meeting several of my fellow 2020 Debuts in person. We gathered for drinks and nibbles at The Upper West, a fun and festive restaurant in Santa Monica. Although most of us had never met in person before, we greeted each other like old friends. (And then made sure to sanitize our hands with Purell — coronavirus, you know.) We exchanged bookmarks and business cards and even an ARC or two, but mostly, we exchanged support and enthusiasm. We promised to attend one another’s book events in our hometowns. And we enjoyed spending time with other people who “get” how crazy this debut author experience can be. (Not asking for sympathy — it’s a genuine honor and privilege.)

To find out more about the 2020 Debuts, go to our Website or follow us on Instagram. While you’re at it, check out my author interview, which provides details on my writing process and what I’m working on now.


